Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Long Awaited Decision from Sarah Palin

After months of speculation, Sarah Palin announced her discussion regarding a prospective run for president of the United States. She issued a statement today that after much prayer and thought, she has decided not to run, but will instead work to elected strong conservatives to Washington in 2012, including the president.

I am sad that she will not be one of the candidates as I greatly admire her and would have supported her, yet I respect her decision and realize at the same time that she is capable of doing more in promoting conservative values as just an American citizen then as a candidate.

With her decision today, and recent repeated statements from Chris Christie stating that he is not running, it appears that the GOP field of candidates is now set. Many people are tempted to just sit back and watch the primary season unfold, especially with several primaries getting moved into January. I, however, will soon be deciding on which candidate I support.

While I understand why some people are going to wait and watch, I feel this is a grievous error. The 2012 Presidential election is one of the most important in the history of our nation. And while we need to remove President Obama from the White House, we cannot afford a moderate, establishment Republican to replace him.  We need a strong conservative to lead our country.  Thus, each person needs to NOW research the candidates and support, in whatever fashion they are able, a specific candidate in the primaries.  If voters sit back and just watch the process unfold, then we are likely to have a nominee, such as Mitt Romney, who is not a conservative but has most the money. But if we are active in the primary process, then we THE PEOPLE can choose the conservative candidate WE want, not who the Republican establishment dictates. So PLEASE, do what you can to support a candidate now, whether by volunteering your time or financially. 


  1. I appreciate your opinion on the 2012 race. It is not easy to pick out the best candidate. At this point, I am leaning toward Cain. What do you think about his chances?

    (P.S. You may want to read over your post again and edit out the typo's).

  2. I agree about it not being easy to pick a candidate. Right now I know who I will not vote for, but am still deciding on who I will support. I really like Cain a lot and he is one of the ones I am considering, but I don't know if he can win the nomination and the presidency. I think he could make an excellent VP choice. His lack of political experience is a plus and a minus for me and I am still not sure which out ways the other.

  3. I also like Cain a lot. I like the straight forward way he talks and actually answers questions. I don't really like that he wants to have a 9% national sales tax that congress could raise after his presidency. This would not be a problem though if we keep electing fiscally conservative candidates. My impressions of the candidates after last nights debate. Romney tries to cater to everybody and is hard to pin down on an issue. Perry looked a bit lost. I like the fire in Santorum's gut. He cares. I love Ron Paul's constitutional knowledge. I love Bachmann's principles. Gingrich always says something interesting and factual. Huntsman is like Romney. Overall I think I would support any of them except Romney and Hunstman. I would have to see more from Perry and Gingrich though.
