Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why I Write

I figure that it was about time to share why I started this blog (and it isn't cause I LOVE writing). Shortly after I began this blog, a friend asked why in the world I would start a blog since I hate to write. :) The truth is that I hate writing about things I am not interested in or passionate about. So, you will not find anything about Biology, Philosophy, or other "related" topics here. :)

I write to express and share my thoughts and opinions about politics, baseball, and America for a several reasons: 1) To educate people about the Constitution and the desire of the Founding Fathers; 2) Because I love baseball so much; and 3) To share my AMERICA!

I have been blessed to travel to all 48 contiguous states, 6 Canadian Provinces, and 9 countries (including the US). America is the greatest country on earth and I want to show everyone why I love it--what makes it so unique. This includes the founding of our country. There will also be posts titled "My America" that highlight different aspects of the US from my perspective.

The title, "An American Yankee Girl," was chosen for multiple reasons. I initially thought of "An American Girl" because that is what I am but it was not available, consequently requiring the addition of another word. As I started thinking, I realized what better word to compliment American then Yankee. It isn't just because I am a die-hard New York Yankee fan or a Northern Yankee when it comes to the Civil War (my blood does run Yankee blue). These two facts did contributed to the final choice, but the main reason is that Americans themselves are frequently referred to as Yankees or Yanks by the rest of the world. During World War I, George M. Cohan, wrote the song "Over There" in which the chorus says that the "Yanks are coming." The term has been used repeatedly to describe Americans. So, what better title then "An American Yankee Girl."

If you haven't figure out already, I love my country -- the United States of America. And, I am PROUD to call myself an AMERICAN!!!


  1. Yankee has a negative connotation in the South. But, now that you explained it, I think all them thar Southerners 'll love ya anyway.

    Thanks for writing!

  2. I know it does in the South in relation to the Civil War. Part of my Mom's family is from the south.

  3. Yep. We're going to Oklahoma in a few weeks. Kristine's relatives hate us Yankees. But, we all love each other dearly. Its a weird dynamic. A good picture of how disagreeing people groups can live in complete peace.
